President: Arlene Vause
Vice President: Amy Carraway
2nd Vice President: Judy Seamen
3rd Vice President: Amy Carraway
Recording Secretary: Tanya Lynn
Registrar: Cathy Frank
Treasurer: Louise Thomas
Historian: Louise Thomas
Recorder of Military Service Awards: Mary Ann Laird
Chaplain: Mary Nichols
Appointed Officers:
Parliamentarian: Cathy Frank
Corresponding Secretary: Mary Nichols
Vice President: Amy Carraway
2nd Vice President: Judy Seamen
3rd Vice President: Amy Carraway
Recording Secretary: Tanya Lynn
Registrar: Cathy Frank
Treasurer: Louise Thomas
Historian: Louise Thomas
Recorder of Military Service Awards: Mary Ann Laird
Chaplain: Mary Nichols
Appointed Officers:
Parliamentarian: Cathy Frank
Corresponding Secretary: Mary Nichols
What UDC Means to Us
Treasurer, Louise Thomas
The Three Presidents
My brother, Wayne, joined the Wakulla Home Guards Camp 742, Sons of Confederate Veterans. Every time I saw him that is all he talked about. He encouraged me to join the Order of the Confederate Rose, but there was not a chapter in Wakulla county. I went online and found the UDC website. I expressed interest in joining. The UDC contacted Myrt Mayne, who was District 1 Director at the time. She called me, emailed me a copy of the application and invited me to a meeting. I did not go to the first meeting she invited me to and the application was something that I didn’t know what to do with. I did not have a clue as how to come up with all the information needed to fill out that application. Frankly, I decided it wasn’t worth it if I had to do all that work just to join. Myrt would not listen to my objections. She came to see me and started working on the information for my application. I really liked her, and didn’t want to let her down because she had gone to so much trouble to help me. Our chapter had been in a dormant stage for awhile and was in the process of a rebirth. My application was approved on October 31, 2010. I was appointed to vice president very soon after and then the president resigned and I was the new president. I have been on a major learning curve ever since. Now the UDC is all I talk about. I have made so many new friends. I have learned a lot about my ancestors and about the War Between the States. I have helped to organize the Mary Gwaltney, Chapter #18 of the Order of the Confederate Rose, of Wakulla County. The SCV, UDC and OCR are all united in a common cause to defend and protect the facts of our heritage and to transmit the truth to future generations. Nothing is ended until it is forgotten.